After a 4 year hiatus, L'Alliance Française de Denver is proud to announce that we are back with our annual fundraising gala, featuring the theme 'La Belle Époque'. We would be honored to have you join us for the 2023 Alliance Française Annual Gala, with the featured theme of ‘La Belle Époque’, on the night of Saturday, October 14th. La Belle Époque literally translates to the beautiful era. Paris’ Belle Époque lasted from 1871 to 1914. During this time, Parisian culture saw several important developments in impressionism, cubism, and revolutionized painting as well as graphic designer printmaking to a fine art form. Come join us as we celebrate this transformational period of time! 

The Early Bird Prices are out now with several different ticket options, including VIP

If you or an organization you know are interested in sponsoring this event or donating to the silent auction, please email Rebecca at

We appreciate the support of our growing community! 

More Info Here More Info Here

Gala Donations and Sponsorship

Silent Auction Items: Interested in donating an item or a gift package to our AFD Gala Silent Auction? Please fill out the form below. 

Silent Auction Form Silent Auction Form

Sponsorship Opportunities: Interested in gaining visibility for your organization? Are you looking to support AFD's vision for a new Francophone cultural center? Support the Alliance Française de Denver through sponsorship! There are three levels of sponsorship available. 

Sponsorship Form Sponsorship Form


Lir M.

I'd like to start this off by thanking you for teaching me so much French. You were a great teacher and you helped me learn so many new things. I'd also like to apologize for missing a lot of lessons, although I'm sure that I would've rather gone to them. Again, you are the best teacher I've ever had, and it's sad to say goodbye to you.

Lir M.

Stephen G.

Alliance Française de Denver created a wonderful virtual environment where I spent my Summer vacation; visiting the winemaking area of Bouzy; celebrating Bastille Day; learning how to cook with flowers; touring historic châteaux and beautiful villages; all in the safety and comfort of my home.

A real treat for any Francophone person; especially having a daily place for French chat to try out and maintain colloquial skills.

Stephen G.

Sue T.

Anne is fantastic! The material is fast paced for this "old dog" to learn new tricks, but we could not go slower. It has been very helpful to prepare me for my trip to France.

Sue T.

Cristina G.

A great place to learn and practice French while getting acquainted with French culture and interesting people. I definitely recommend AFD and their events. Je parle français! Et vous?

Cristina G.


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