French Language Teacher Training - 3/12/19

Integrating Contemporary French and Francophone Culture in the Classroom

Trainer : Pierre-Yves ROUX, responsable de l’unité expertise et qualité (département langue française ; Centre international d’études pédagogiques)

Date/Time: March 12th, 2019 from 3:00PM to 9:00PM (this includes a working dinner)

Duration: 1 afternoon + evening (6 hours)

Public : teachers of French as a Foreign Language ; training is especially relevant to teachers of AP French but is open to all teachers who wish to integrate more cultural aspects into their class

Topic: we cannot imagine teaching and learning a foreign language without bringing a particular focus to the associated culture, ensuring that our methods are integrated with the real culture at hand. This training will identify the main challenges encountered by French teachers in this domain, and propose pedagogic methods and concrete educational activities for overcoming such challenges. The session will thus serve as an opportunity for discovery and updating of teacher knowledge and resources, but also a chance for reflection on the cultural identities in the contemporary French/Francophone world, as well as their role in the French classroom.

Content: We will engage the below questions and themes in the following order:

  • Why include culture in a French class?
  • Deconstructing stereotypes
  • Thematic activities for the classroom :

- The family, a dynamic and evolving concept

- Between beautiful neighborhoods and the banlieues

- A French perspective on environmental conservation

- French technological innovation: new technology and its societal role, etc.

  • Presentation of contemporary literature allowing for cultural discovery
  • An Escape Game for discovering French and Francophone culture
  • In conclusion : take-aways from the training ; concepts and methodologies

Format: this training will emphasize practical techniques and include guided presentation of associated tools for the classroom. It will alternate between plenary presentations and work and reflection in smaller groups.   

**Additional info:

Participant limit : 25 people

Time window :  3 PM – 9 PM on March 12th @ Alliance Francaise de Denver (this includes a working dinner provided by AFD)

Cost for participating : $10/teacher

This training will get you 0.5 PD credit from Adams State University

For more information, please contact Martin Lafitte :

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