Holiday Champagne Tasting 2023

Êtes-vous prêt(e)s pour les fêtes? Kick off the season of light with a night of sparkling wine from Champagne!  At our next and most festive wine tasting in the series, we will learn about the history and winemaking of Méthode Champenoise, the region and grape varieties allowed and taste six different styles and producers.  Join Certified Sommelier, Greta Arendsen, and Certified Cheese Professional, Devin Lamma, for a focused pairing of champagne and cheese on December 7th at 6:30pm at the Galapago location.  Get your tickets early as space is limited. N'oubliez pas - only champagne can come from Champagne! 

location: 571 Galapago St, Denver, CO 80204
time: 6:30 pm 

Sorry, you've missed the RSVP deadline for this event.


Lir M.

I'd like to start this off by thanking you for teaching me so much French. You were a great teacher and you helped me learn so many new things. I'd also like to apologize for missing a lot of lessons, although I'm sure that I would've rather gone to them. Again, you are the best teacher I've ever had, and it's sad to say goodbye to you.

Lir M.

Stephen G.

Alliance Française de Denver created a wonderful virtual environment where I spent my Summer vacation; visiting the winemaking area of Bouzy; celebrating Bastille Day; learning how to cook with flowers; touring historic châteaux and beautiful villages; all in the safety and comfort of my home.

A real treat for any Francophone person; especially having a daily place for French chat to try out and maintain colloquial skills.

Stephen G.

Sue T.

Anne is fantastic! The material is fast paced for this "old dog" to learn new tricks, but we could not go slower. It has been very helpful to prepare me for my trip to France.

Sue T.

Cristina G.

A great place to learn and practice French while getting acquainted with French culture and interesting people. I definitely recommend AFD and their events. Je parle français! Et vous?

Cristina G.


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